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I long to glorify Christ with my life! i seem to fail more than succeed but thats why his grace is so amazing!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Umbrella Babies


ok, so if you read my blog because im the preacher's wife and you hope to gleen wisdom and foresight from my posts, then you are going to be very disappointed!

i thought i would share some reflections over the past 12 hours:

1. "its raining its pouring the old man is snoring. bumped his head went to bed and couldnt get up in the morning." first of all this is a weird song for children to learn. second of all its kind of true. just as i was falling asleep last night i was harshly awakened by a picture that usually rests quietly above my bed, falling on my head! it hurt! and i did not want to get out of bed this morning.

2. when all of my children wake up early in the mornings they usually start the day by being grumpy. three grumpy children ='s one grumpy mommy, its simple math people. however, if a bunny rabbit comes hopping into your back yard to eat your grass for breakfast, then that magically takes away the grumpiness in the three children. this works for at least 15 minutes or until the children scare the poor rabbit away.

3. having to wash ALL of the bedding for 2 beds in the span of 2 days is irritating and time consuming. my sweet, precious, b-e-autiful, adorable daughter cant seem to keep her pee in her diaper. so in the last 2 days i have had to strip and wash her bedding and mine. the funny part is that she did it again this morning in my bed. i know you think, if i were a more attentive mother then i wouldnt let her diaper get to the point of over flowing. and you would be correct in making that assumption. but it is also due to the fact that she is so stinking skinny. if she is sitting in a not-so-lady-like-position then she will have pee all down her legs and consequently all over my bed.

so pump your party fist if your with me!

now, the even funnier part of the last 12 hours is that as i did my best to read from god's word this morning, all of the scripture was about PEACE! HA HA! god has the cutest little ways of teaching me sometimes(notice the hint of sarcasm.) but seriously when i put things in the right perspective i find myself ammused by these little lessons. when i dont keep things in perspective i find myself very overwhelmed and NOT very peaceful.

seacrest out!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Man its been awhile.....

So this picture was taken about 8 monthts ago, and thats how long it has been since i have blogged. I know, i apologize. I was reading a couple of blogs today from two of my friends that are adopting little girls from Ethiopia. One of the couples are still in process and dont even know who their daughter is yet and the other got on a plane today to bring their little one home. It caused me to revisit my blog and look back on all that i had posted about our journey of bringing Reese home. I was amazed at how long ago it seemed and yet memories and emotions came rushing back like it was yesterday. Reese has been home about 9 months now and as crazy as it has been, i cant imagine what it was like NOT having her in our family.

I have spent some time today changing up the look of my blog and remembering how good it felt to get the thoughts out of my head and on to paper (uh, well you know what i mean). I am going to try to update this thing with what all is going on in my crazy world of being a wife and mother of 3 and an owner of an annoying dog named friday.

Well, hope you like the new look of my blog, if not....shhhhhut the front door!