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I long to glorify Christ with my life! i seem to fail more than succeed but thats why his grace is so amazing!

Monday, October 11, 2010

what's up with me and god.

there are times when i read god's word i think: "i wonder what that means exactly?" " how am i supposed to apply this to my life?" then there are times when i read scripture and it is very clear, almost too clear what it means and how i am supposed to apply it to my life.

for example: isaiah 1:11 says, the lord says, "i do not want all these sacrifices. i have had enough of your burnt sacrifices of male sheep and fat from fine animals. and i am not pleased by the blood of bulls, lambs, and goats." now how does that really apply to me and what does jesus want me to do with THAT!

i know, i know, i randomly yanked a verse out of the bible and did not even take the previous or latter verses and put them into context. but just a few verses down, after god continues to let his people know all the stuf he is sick of seeing and hearing from them, he says this in verses 16-17 "wash yourselves and make yourselves clean. stop doing wrong. learn to do good. SEEK JUSTICE. PUNISH THOSE WHO HURT OTHERS. HELP THE ORPHANS. STAND UP FOR THE RIGHTS OF WIDOWS.

psalm 82:3 defend the weak and the orphans

deuteronomy 15:11 there will always be poor people in the land, so i command you to give freely to your neighbors and to the poor and needy in your land

psalm 10:18 protect the orphans and put an end to suffering so they will no longer be afraid of evil people

james 1:27 religion that god accepts as pure and without fault is this:caring for orphans and widows who need help


i cant seem to get these out of my mind and heart. the thousands of children dying everyday, the women and children trapped and lured into human slavery, the poor in my community, the poor across the globe, the hurting, the broken, the helpless...

i am slowly starting to NOT care as much about my clothes, my house, my things, my entertainment, my wish lists, how many toys my kids have, if my floors need to be redone, my countertops are modern and if i have the latest and greatest of everything.

im not saying these things are "bad" but in light of the CLEAR instructions and commands of jesus christ, im not sure i should be "wanting" these things. im so messed up by all of this and god is making me more uncomfortable everyday. but i am thankful hes speaking to my heart.

any thought?