do you watch the BIGGEST LOSER and wish you could be as disciplined and self motivated as bob and jilian?
go to your childs school function and wish you were as crafty as "so and so's" mommy
see that couple at church and wish your marriage was as thriving as theirs seems to be
attend the neighbors christmas party and wish you could be as creative as she is
wish you could parent like susie straight skirt because her kids seem perfect
read or listen to your favorite leaders in your field and wish you were as successful as they are
I compare myself to others, not a lot but more than i should. when i get caught up in this trap heres what ive noticed happens: i get consumed with myself, i throw pity-parties, im hard to please and dissatisfied, i get a little arrogant and critical and i intentionally neglect spending time with god cause after all thats convicting and uncomfortable.
i am fearfully and wonderfully made. there is no one quite like me. god has a specific plan mapped out for my specific life. he has uniquely gifted me with strengths and talents and abilities that he has intended to use for a specific purpose. he desires to use me in unique ways to bring him glory. does that sound like a motivational tape? prob cause it is one that i play to myself when i struggle with this topic.
when i stop comparing myself to jesus and striving to be like him, i get all messed up. i have to pay attention to christ and how he lived and what he taught. i have to take the time to figure out how he has shaped me and how he has gifted me. i have to take the initiative to be who he has created me to be.
someone is always gonna be prettier, smarter, more disciplined, more creative, more successful and more EVERYTHING! dont get me wrong i think we can all learn from others and be challenged and inspired by how others live their lives. but comparing ourselves to anyone other than christ is a losing battle and a very frustrating way to live.
so lets stop saying i wish i could be more like _____________
and replace it with i want to be more like jesus. and look into scripture and see how to immitate him.
today, for me, its JOY.
what about you?