About Me
- ashleyneely
- I long to glorify Christ with my life! i seem to fail more than succeed but thats why his grace is so amazing!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
It's On!
Ephesians 6:10-18
You may know it as the "Armor of God" passage. See here's the deal with armor. It's heavy, bulky and quite honestly time consuming to put on. But I have learned, the hard way of course, that it is a MUST to have on in any battle.
It's 4:47 am and I've been awake since 2:50 am. I'm awake because of what started at about 5:00pm. These little lies began creeping into my mind. The lies led to doubt which led to insecurity which led to discouragement. And before you know it I'm in a battle with my thoughts. But Eph 6 says that my battle is not against flesh and blood. It's a spiritual battle. And I'm in up to my neck fighting to get out!
I've had my share of battles through the years. Some I've lost. Some I've won with ease. Some I've won by the skin of my teeth, bruised and scarred. And here's what The Bible tells me about my enemy. He prowls around like a lion seeking to devour me. His objective is to steal, kill and destroy! He has a take no prisoners motto. He knows where I'm weak and may attack when I least expect it. BUT GOD, in his mercy, has given me HIS armor for this battle. But I have to put the armor ON to defend myself against the enemy.
The Belt of Truth - The truth of who God is and who I am in Christ
The Breastplate of Righteousness - I'm protected not because of my own goodness but because of the righteous blood of Jesus Christ
The Gospel of Peace on my feet -as I go through life I have a peace that passes all understanding because of my salvation through Jesus
The Shield of Faith - to extinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy
The Helmet of Salvation - protecting my mind and my thoughts from the deception of the evil one
The Sword of the Spirit - which is the Word of God, the only part of the armor that's used for offense and not defense. It's active, living and sharp. And satan is defenseless against it!
So, with this in mind, BE ALERT!
Be alert at home, with your children, at the grocery store, in your relationships, at work, at the ball game, with your spouse, in your worship experiences, with your finances, when you lay in your bed at night, at school, BE ALERT!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, February 20, 2012
So, last post i was telling you about CHANGE. As most of you have heard/seen change has happened for the Neely's. We have been in Cypress Texas for 10 days now. A lot has happened and a lot is different. Let me start off with the good stuff. The couple of videos we put out have been a hit in the ol Houston. They have gone viral, if you will. Many of you from thecitychurch know that i'm famous this year for a phrase, "it's 2012 ya'll!!!" As i worked that into one of our videos recently apparently it has resonated. When we showed up to our new house last friday the 10th, multiple people began sharing their new ringtone with me. It goes a little something like this, "Houston Texas, It's 2012 ya'll, its a new year!" While embarrassed i have to admit, it made me feel welcome. Redneck but welcome.
It's been crazy to see how God has had his hand on us. So many things about this move have been stressful and unknown. But God has proven faithful once again and through the whirlwind of the last week we couldn't feel more "at home" than we do here at TheMet in Houston, TX. Daren is jumping in with both feet and excited about getting to work. I'm so proud of him. He led our family to trust God in this new path and his courage and obedience will leave a lasting mark on me and our children.
I have been seeking God and asking Him what it is he has for me in this new adventure. He is beginning to reveal some things to me and i am trying to follow in my husbands footsteps and be courageous and obedient.
The boys have struggled a little adjusting. Mostly just in their behavior at home which has been a bit stressful. They start school tomorrow and we are hoping that will help. If you think about us we would appreciate your prayers for Hudson and Max that they will not try to be anyone other than who God made them to be. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us and checking on us. We are so blessed and I'm excited to see what ALL God has in store for us here at TheMet.
Love and chocolate bunnies,
Ashley Neely YA"LL!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Cypress, TX
Saturday, January 21, 2012
The winds of change they are a blowin
Who likes change? What percentage of the population of the entire earth prefers constant change over stability and familiarity? We are fine with the seasons changing. We are fine with changing of age (mostly because of birthday presents). We are fine with changing our hairstyle. But who is really excited about major life changes? Death. Loss. Job change. Financial set back. Illness. Would I be correct in assuming most people like change as long as its positive and beneficial?
Do I want to leave the only place I've ever lived? No. Do I want to move far away from my family? No. Do I want to up root my children and put them in new situations and environments that scare them and make them nervous? No. Do I want to be put in new situations and environments that make me nervous? No. Do I want to leave friends that I've known for many many years? No. Do I want to leave places where God is using me? No.
Who in scripture ever experienced the fullness of God without major life changes? Joseph? Nope, sold into slavery by his brothers? David? Nope, Goliath. Gideon? Nope, his army went from tens of thousands to a few hundred. Mary? Nope, pregnant out of wedlock. Paul? Nope, blinding light, jail, shipwrecked? Abraham? Nope, raising a sword to kill his own son. Moses? Nope, burning bush, Pharaoh, wilderness w the Israelites.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
God has things that he has planned for me and my family. Things that He planned before the foundation of the earth. Things that bring Him glory. Things that will draw the lost and broken to Himself. Things that will leave a mark on this world. Things that will change the course of my children's lives. Things that will draw me closer to Him. Things that will allow me to see MORE of who He is. Things that will impact eternity. Things that will further His Kingdom.
So, in the midst of the fear, I will change. In the midst of the unknown, I will change. In the midst of the anxiety, I will change. So that I CAN do the things he has planned for me to do.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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