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I long to glorify Christ with my life! i seem to fail more than succeed but thats why his grace is so amazing!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Do it for the kids!

YouTube Video
About 9 months ago both of my boys decided to pick up a cheap old skateboard we had bought back when we had only one child and we bought anything and everything he was remotely entertained by.

Daren taught them how to stand on the board, how to push and ride. And over the next few days and weeks we quickly realized that they both had a natural ability to SHREAD! Skateboarding began to consume Hudson (8) and Max's (5) little world.

As parents we had a decision to make. We could have said "wow boys that's great!" and just let them skate around the neighborhood and buy stock in Band-aids. OR we could have said "boys you guys are gifted at this and if you really want to keep skating and get better we will do as much as we can to help you!"

The last 9 months have been filled with family vacations to different skateboard parks around the state, hours each week at our local skateparks, skateboard lessons, multiple skate videos, and a slowly changing wardrobe (skinny jeans, skate tshirts and flat billed hats). The biggest joy has been that through a cool Christian skate team and some skate videos that share the gospel while showing you how to SHREAD, Max gave his life to Christ!

My point is that as parents we should help our kids find what it is they are gifted at doing and encourage them. We have the chance to support and equip them to be all that God has gifted them to be. Let's not sit back and let them flounder through their childhood not knowing how god has gifted them. Let's help them discover their talents and abilities and teach them how to be who God has created them to be.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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